7 Golden Tips When Houseboating With a Dog

September 2020 Multimedia Breeding Business

Can you really do houseboating with a dog? Dogs are great companions anywhere even during cold or warm weathers, and it also includes when houseboating with a dog. It might sound too complicated, but it is not that hard if you know where and how to start. So, here are some safety tips on houseboating with a dog for a pleasant boating excursion.

7 Golden Tips When Houseboating With a Dog

So, you already have your dog-friendly houseboat, let’s make your water trip more fun and safe with these seven golden tips when houseboating with a dog. These tips are essential to ensure your welfare as well as your furry friends.

  1. Assess Your Dog And Make Right Judgements - You have to make sure that your furry companion likes boating, or going to the water because not all dogs like it. If it is your first time taking a water trip, assess if your pet loves cruising as much as you do. You can spend some time in the boat without turning on the motor. Then, observe what would be the reaction of your dog. For the next step of observation, turn on the motorboat. This time, stay in the dock and see if your dog gets afraid.

  2. Keep Your Dogs Leash - It is the number one rule for houseboating with a dog. Once you have arrived in your houseboat location, whether it’s the first time or not, always keep your dog on a leash. It is a precaution in case the dog gets excited and suddenly jumps into the water. Use your instinct and observation until your dog gets accustomed to your houseboat trip. The goal is to keep your furry companion on the boat. More importantly, you should always use a harness instead of a collar.

  3. Give Your Dog A Quick Freshwater Rinse - Don’t get surprised if your dog suddenly rolls on the sand or mud on the beach. Let them enjoy, but it’s better to rinse your dog in freshwater so that you can remove the dirt easily. Then, you also have to bathe them with fresh water to get rid most of the sand or mud.

  4. Don’t Forget To Buy A Dog Vest - For added security, make sure to get a life vest and a ramp specifically for dogs. Regardless of your dog breed, they can get extremely curious and energetic. Choose a dog vest that fits perfectly on your furry companion, and check its quality. Never settle for anything that has low standards just because it comes with low price and other bundles.

  5. Potty Training - It is one of the most fundamental tips when houseboating with a dog. If you’re going for a long water adventure, it can be quite tricky for your dog to control the bladder. It is easier if you could bring a potty tray and put it in one spot near your dog. This way, he can smell and understand that it is where he has to go whenever needed. Other trained dogs do their business on a piece of carpet or Astroturf near the deck of the boat, and your dog can do the same. It can be hard in the beginning, but  continuously show and encourage your dog to poop or pee in that one spot. Whenever your dog does it right, give him a treat.

  6. Provide Your Dog With A Good Bed Or Resting Space - For first timers, it can be stressful for all dog breeds. A good bed or a place for resting is the secret for a relaxed and well-rested dog. Therefore, as much as possible, pack a quality orthopedic bed that can support the joints of your furry best friend. Then, find a spot on the boat where the dog feels safest even when houseboating gets boisterous and put the bed there. If you want your dog to feel more ease during a houseboat adventure, give him a place that he can treat like his home.

  7. Know The Nearest Veterinary Clinic - While no one wants to spend a day in a vet’s clinic, it is essential to take note of the closest veterinary clinic. When houseboating with a dog, there are some unforeseen instances. For example, the dog may get sick or injured while boating. So, make sure to research the nearest veterinary clinic at each harbor the night before your trip. Then, always bring your dog’s health record or card with you.

Other Essential Reminders When Houseboating With A Dog

Houseboating with a dog is one of the most fun and memorable adventures that you and your dog can do. It may sound expensive and risky, but it’s definitely worth it. As a pet owner, you have to be responsible and always look after your dog. Your furry friend can’t say whenever he or she is hungry, afraid, or happy, but you can see it through their actions. Therefore, always observe and be mindful of your dog’s reactions. 

You and your furry companion’s safety must be a top priority. Always keep your dogs safe on the boat, and make sure to train them with basic obedience commands like sit, stay, and come. As you go on this houseboating trip, you can also teach your dog to go “on boat” and “off boat.” The first stages of houseboating with a dog can cause inconvenience, but it’s all about proper planning and thinking ahead of time. 

It is also essential to know your dog’s behavior and age. Puppies, for example, usually are very adaptable and always willing to do houseboating. However, take note that high-energy dogs may cause problems while on the boat, so it’s essential to control their behavior.

A dog is a great companion. They will follow wherever you go. Never allow your dog to get off your sight. Don’t let them venture around the boat without your close supervision. More importantly, have fun. Show your dog the amusing and pleasure side of life that he can also enjoy outside your home. Safety, food, emergency kits, and other essentials - these are the things that you must keep in mind, especially for senior dogs.


Sometimes, dogs are better companions than anyone else. Some dog breeds would love houseboating even if it is their first time to do it. On the other hand, most pets enjoy the lifestyle in houseboating. You can also train your furry friend to be more friendly towards new people as both of you explore new places and smell of the water. Just make sure to follow these golden tips when houseboating with a dog to have a fun-filled and meaningful water holiday with your most favorite consort.

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