5 Reasons To Buy a Houseboat in 2020

June 2020 Own By Kevin Devoto

The world is in a strange state at the moment, and it seems like it has been in a strange state for a while. Well, if you can't beat them, join them. Maybe now is the perfect time to embrace these odd new times by welcoming the unconventional. If that sounds good to you, you might want to consider buying a houseboat. There are plenty of benefits to owning a houseboat, especially now in these troubled times.

1. It's Away From People

Everyone already has to stay six feet away from others for now, and having a houseboat makes that even easier. Are your friends and family practically knocking down your door to come to visit? Set sail in your new houseboat, and you will be far more than six feet from them. People can be annoying, and always having an effective method of avoiding them is an enviable trait to most. Sometimes, you need some time away from the rest of the world, and a houseboat grants you that opportunity at all times.

2. It's Like Having a Pool on the Go

Pools are expensive, especially in-ground pools. A project like an in-ground pool takes tens or even hundreds of hours of manual labor and countless more working with pool financing companies. While pools are a fun and viable option for those with traditional homes, when you live on a houseboat, the backyard is your pool. Jump off the deck and you are suddenly submerged in the cool flow of whatever body of water you are parked on. However, these bodies of water are generally less safe than swimming pools, so be sure to exercise caution.

3. It's Generally Cheaper

Perhaps the single best reason to buy a houseboat is the complete lack of property taxes. There is a sales tax that you will have to pay upon the purchase of the houseboat, but since it primarily acts as a boat and not a permanent residence, the government cannot charge a property tax. If you decide to rent a houseboat, the rent will often be cheaper than the houses or apartments in the area, and there are fewer utilities aboard the houseboat, so utility costs should be generally lower as well.

4. It's Great For Fishing

Of course, not everyone is interested in fishing, but if you live in a city near a large body of water, you have probably been exposed to fishing in some capacity. Fishing is an interesting hobby to take up. It is a great activity to pursue with friends since it allows you to sit and have a nice conversation, something too rare nowadays. A houseboat offers an ideal fishing spot to almost anyone who owns one. Remember to ensure that it is legal to fish in the spot where your houseboat is parked to avoid any unwanted legal repercussions.

5. It's Good For Your Mental Health

There are several reasons why a houseboat might help you feel better about life, and the first is the scenery. Towns bordering bodies of water are often some of the most beautiful and scenic cities on the planet and living with a constant view of a river, lake, or ocean is almost certain to make you feel better about your situation in life. Life on a houseboat can also feel like a constant vacation. Vacations are a time to relax and let your hair down, so feeling like you are living in a perpetual state of vacation can help reduce stress.

The Bottom Line

It might seem insane to drop everything to go live on a houseboat, but there are both financial and health benefits to doing so. Life on a houseboat is not for everyone, so make sure you know what you are getting yourself into before making a definitive decision, but if you can see yourself enjoying life on a houseboat, now is as good of a time as any to pursue that dream.

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