Staying Safe and Secure

August 2019 Feature Jane Willow Web Exclusive

At present, a home burglary occurs every 13 seconds in the U.S according to data released by the FBI. While choosing to stay on a houseboat is without a doubt the best decision you can possibly make if you are in search of free living, your new-found freedom does not mean that you become immune to the ever-increasing crime rate in the country. A houseboat is as susceptible to crimes like vandalism, break-ins, and theft just like any house on dry land. Thankfully there are a number of ways you can ensure that your houseboat is as safe and secure as possible.  

Choose a safe marina

If you want to remain safe and secure it is important to choose a marina that is conducive of this.  If you stay in a larger city you will more than likely have more options as to where you can safely harbor your boat as opposed to living in a small town.  A safe marina is typically one that is well-lit at night and has round-the-clock security. Always conduct some research into any shortlisted marinas to establish whether they have a history of damage to vessels and break-ins. It is also imperative that the marina has a CCTV system in place that will record everything that happens on the premises and that access is strictly controlled and limited to authorized individuals.

Invest in security tech

Did you know that your houseboat can benefit greatly from the same security technology you would install in your home? Houseboat alarm- and surveillance systems make it possible to not only keep your boat safe while you are on it but also when you aren’t.  While an alarm will alert you of any security breaches, a good surveillance system has many additional benefits. Not only will you be able to monitor your property from anywhere, but also record video evidence of any untoward situations that may arise on your houseboat. Your security system may even end up saving you money as many marine insurance companies offer discounts on insurance premiums if sound security systems are in place.

Don’t leave your valuables lying around

Don’t ever leave any valuables lying around when you are not on your houseboat for extended periods of time as it might increase the risk of vandalism or theft. Fishing gear, electronic devices, and small appliances are often snagged by thieves and should either be removed from the boat completely when you are away for more than just a few days or secured and locked away in tamper-proof cupboards. You can also make use of a variety of locks, bolts, and chains to keep your valuables safe and deter any opportunistic vandals and crooks.

Keeping your houseboat safe and secure should be a top priority regardless of whether you live on your boat year-round or for shorter periods at a time. Thankfully basic security measures coupled with modern-day technology makes it easier than ever before to keep your boat, your possessions, and your family safe and happy at all times.

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