Outdoor textiles have come a long way since cotton duck. But even the most modern, hardwearing technical fabric needs protection against dirt, grime, oil, mildew, bird droppings and the countless other stains Mother Nature throws its way. Iosso Water Repellent is invisible armor that keeps Sunbrella and other solution-dyed acrylics, laminated and coated materials, canvas, vinyl and leather clean, and looking like new.
Water Repellent isn't solvent-based and doesn't contain silicone, so it won't darken material or leave it feeling oily. The fabric keeps its original finish, flexibility and breathability, while delivering maximum protection.
Using Water Repellent couldn't be easier. It's simply applied thoroughly to clean, dry fabric. For added protection, the material can be soaked in the formula or a second coat can be put on after five minutes. Having dried for 24 hours, it's ready for use and exposure to water.
Pro angler Kyle Weisenburger agrees. During a recent overnight downpour, the cover on his boat kept it dry and ready for the day's tournament. "I was highly impressed," he said. "Iosso Water Repellant is the real deal!"
4 oz. of Iosso Water Repellent is $3.75; a 32 oz. spray bottle is $20.95; one gallon is $44.95; 32 oz. of concentrate is $65 and makes two gallons; and one gallon of concentrate is $160 and makes five gallons.
Contact Iosso Products, 1485 Lively Blvd., Elk Grove Village, IL 60007. Toll-free 888-747-4332. iossoproducts@iosso.com; www.iosso.com.