Improving the Air Quality on Your Houseboat

January 2018 Live Jane Willow Web Exclusive

Living and vacationing on a houseboat is a great way of seeing the world. Up to 9,000 people in America retire to houseboats and use the opportunity to travel. It is a calm and tranquil way to travel, away from the hustle of everyday towns and cities. Having a houseboat retreat or being a live-aboard, means that you are regularly cooking and cleaning on the boat. The smells of everyday life can really affect the air quality inside your boat. In a fairly confined space, this can make the air smell unpleasant, and even make it difficult to breathe. Installing a ventilation and air conditioning solution can help this.

Poor air quality is detrimental to your health

The air we breathe affects our health and general well-being. When the air quality is contaminated by pollutants, such as the chemicals that are in household cleaning products, they can exacerbate allergies and cause respiratory illnesses, particularly if you have asthma. Tobacco, strong paints, smoke from stoves and personal care products are also commonly responsible for reducing air quality. In the short term, they can cause the eyes and skin to feel irritated, make you feel tired, sluggish and give you a headache. Prolonged exposure can give you more serious health issues. 

Simple preventative measures

The key to improving air quality is improving ventilation. If your houseboat is moving regularly, rather than staying static in a harbor or canal side, then by simply opening windows and boat sides whilst you’re travelling can help keep your boat fresh and smelling beautiful. Let plenty of fresh air run through. Try and avoid products that contain harsh chemicals when you are cleaning, and instead, opt for more eco-friendly alternatives. Make sure that the air ducts on your boat are cleaned and regularly maintained, so that you know they are doing their job properly. 

Installing Ventilation and Air Conditioning

If you install a marine Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) solution onto your houseboat, you can have good air quality all year round. The added advantage of marine HVAC is that you will be able to control the temperature so that your boat is always comfortable, even in cold winters. Houseboats are particularly prone to moisture if they are not well ventilated. Excess moisture can cause mold and damp problems, which lead to illness and respiratory problems, as well as causing damage to your boat. Moisture can be prevented by installing HVAC which helps to keep your boat in good repair. 

Improving the air quality on your houseboat will help keep your boat in a good state of repair. It will make it comfortable to spend time on, and the air you are breathing will be fresh and clean. 

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