Do you find yourself wishing you had gone for the factory installed thrusters when you had the chance? Trying to add thrusters later down the road can be a big pain and a costly endeavor. Luckily, you've got some good options for streamlining the process.
HydraNautics has been one of the leaders in houseboat hydraulic bow and stern thrusters for over twenty years, and it's easy to see why. They've created a powerful hydraulic bow thruster that can be added to your houseboat while it's in the slip, preventing anyone who doesn't have factory installed bow thrusters a lot of trouble and money from needing their boat to be hauled out. These bolt-on thrusters can be mounted to each side of the houseboat, with the propellers far enough towards the stern and high enough from the bottom so you don't have to worry about beaching. You may remember hearing about HydraNautics owner Dick Gragert back in July; if you're interested in reading more, click here—and don't forget to check out the awesome performance of these thrusters in the video below.
Photo credited to HydraNautics